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Short answers to general questions

What is a generation?

A generation is a group of people who share a similar time period of development (birth to mid-twenties) as well as a similar cultural environment during this development.


For example, two people who grew up in Argentina during the 1970s would be considered in the same generation while someone who grew up during the same time in France would not be considered the same generation. This is because a generation is also a sub-culture.


For a detailed explanation, watch What’s a Generation?


What does "intergenerational" mean?

A basic definition is the characteristic of a group or community made of up of people from different age groups who interact positively, depend on each other, and benefit from these relationships.


For a detailed explanation, watch Intro to Intergenerational


How can you tell if a community is intergenerational?

According to Dr. Joe Azzopardi’s research, there are five characteristics that determine intergenerationality:


  • Positive Interactions

  • Connectedness

  • Interdependence

  • Accommodation

  • Empowerment


For a detailed explanation of each, watch the Five Characteristics series.


Our assessment services specialises in identifying the degree to which an organisation is succeeding in each one, and helping you to improve in the areas of challenge. If you’d like to know more check out our assessment service area, or contact us for a free initial consultation.


Why is intergenerational connection important?

Intergenerational connection is important because it helps combat ageism, promotes understanding between generations, and fosters a sense of belonging for everyone. It also is mutually beneficial for all involved when it comes to psychological and spiritual well-being.


Our consultancy offers strategies for promoting intergenerational connection.


How does intergenerational interaction benefit individuals and communities?

Intergenerational interaction benefits individuals and communities by fostering empathy, sharing knowledge and skills, reducing loneliness, and creating a more cohesive and resilient community.


What are the key elements of successful intergenerational programs?

Successful intergenerational programs focus on building meaningful relationships, providing opportunities for learning and growth, and creating a sense of community and belonging for all participants.


If you’d like our assistance in building an intergenerational program, please let us know.


How can communities promote intergenerational connections?

Communities can promote intergenerational connections by creating spaces and opportunities for people of different ages to come together, fostering mutual respect and understanding, and recognising the value of each generation.


What role do different generations play in intergenerational relationships?

Different generations play unique roles in intergenerational relationships, with each generation contributing their experiences, perspectives, and wisdom to create a mutually beneficial connection. These are not only passed down from old to young, but also from young to old. It requires each generation to seek to understand where the others are coming from and accepting that agreement is not necessary for respect and friendship.


How can workplaces benefit from intergenerational diversity?

Workplaces can benefit from intergenerational diversity by leveraging the unique skills and perspectives of each generation, fostering innovation, and improving collaboration and communication among employees.


If you’d like our assistance in strengthening intergenerational relations in your workplace, please let us know.


How can schools encourage intergenerational learning?
Schools can encourage intergenerational learning by incorporating activities that bring different generations together, such as inviting older adults to share their experiences or involving students in community service projects.


What are the key principles of intergenerational communication?

The key principles of intergenerational communication include active listening, respect for different perspectives, and a willingness to learn from each other. Of course, it begins with intentional interactions and finding time to chat with those who are different.


How do cultural differences affect intergenerational relationships?

Cultural differences can impact intergenerational relationships by influencing communication styles, values, and beliefs about family roles and responsibilities. It is important to note that each generation is itself a sub-culture, as a generation is not only based on timelines but also group culture.


What are the benefits of intergenerational activities for older adults?

Intergenerational activities for older adults can provide social interaction, cognitive stimulation, and a sense of purpose, which can contribute to overall well-being and quality of life.


How can families promote intergenerational bonding?

Families can promote intergenerational bonding by creating opportunities for shared activities and experiences, fostering open communication, and showing respect for each other's perspectives and contributions.


What are the best practices for creating intergenerational communities?

Best practices for creating intergenerational communities include promoting inclusivity, fostering mutual respect and understanding, and providing opportunities for intergenerational activities and interactions.


If you’d like our assistance in making your community more intergenerational, please let us know.


How do ageism and stereotypes impact intergenerational relationships?
Ageism and stereotypes can impact intergenerational relationships by creating barriers to understanding and communication, reinforcing negative perceptions of certain age groups, and limiting opportunities for collaboration and mutual learning.


How can governments support intergenerational initiatives?
Governments can support intergenerational initiatives by funding programs that promote intergenerational interaction, creating policies that support age-friendly communities, and raising awareness about the importance of intergenerational relationships.


What are the differences in values between generations?

It’s not so much a difference in actual values, but rather a difference in how each generation prioritises their values. For example, every generation values authenticity, however some generations prioritise it higher than others in comparison to other values. Generational differences may include attitudes towards work, family, and technology, as well as views on social issues and environmental sustainability.


How do intergenerational relationships impact mental health?

Intergenerational relationships can have a positive impact on mental health by providing social support, reducing feelings of isolation and loneliness, and promoting a sense of belonging and purpose.


How can intergenerational conflict be resolved?

Intergenerational conflict can be resolved through open communication, empathy, and a willingness to understand and respect each other's perspectives. It takes perseverance and often reconciliation to do this, and sometimes coaching or counselling.


If you’d like our assistance in coaching you through a tough situation, please let us know.


What are the benefits of mentoring across generations?

Mentoring across generations can provide learning opportunities, promote skill development, and foster intergenerational understanding and respect.

Questions related to our services

What services does Intergenerational Solutions offer?

Intergenerational Solutions offers a range of services aimed at promoting intergenerational connections and understanding. These include consultancy, training, and assessments for companies, organisations, and churches seeking to enhance their intergenerational relationships.


How can Intergenerational Solutions help my community or organisation?

Intergenerational Solutions can help your community or organisation by providing expert guidance, training programs, and assessments tailored to your specific needs. Whether you’re looking to improve communication between generations, foster a more inclusive environment, or address age-related challenges, Intergenerational Solutions has the expertise to assist you.


What makes Intergenerational Solutions unique?

Intergenerational Solutions stands out for its specialised focus on intergenerational relationships within a corporate or faith-based context. With a deep understanding of both the faith-based and corporate sectors, Intergenerational Solutions offers a unique blend of expertise that can benefit a wide range of clients.


How can I learn more about Intergenerational Solutions' services?

To learn more about Intergenerational Solutions' services, you can visit our website or contact us directly. We offer free consultations to discuss your needs and how we can help you achieve your intergenerational goals.


Is there a restriction on the size of the community being assessed?

For a meaningful assessment, we recommend a minimum of 30 participants with at least three generational groups represented. Additionally, a sample size of at least 20% of the community's regular attendees is ideal to ensure the assessment is representative.


How does the assessment work?

Participants will be provided with an email or QR code link that can be accessed on their digital devices. For faith-based settings, a short introduction video will explain the purpose of the survey and how to complete it. Responses are processed immediately upon completion. Alternatively, a printed version is available for those who prefer it, but processing may take longer.


Is the assessment voluntary?

Yes, participation in this research study is voluntary. Individuals may choose not to participate. If someone decides to participate in this research survey, they may withdraw at any time without penalty.


Will the responses be anonymous?

Yes, the responses of those who participate will remain confidential. We do not collect identifying information, such as names or email addresses. All data is stored securely and will only be used for advisory and scholarly purposes. Group data will be shared with the leadership team.

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